This is ReaLiTea!
The European Union, in the ERASMUS+ funding line for cooperation partnerships, has funded our application to foster the research literacies of future and practicing foreign language educators.
We are excited to embark on this international and interdisciplinary venture, drawing on the expertise of foreign language educators, teacher trainers, second language acquisition experts, corpus linguists, and researchers. Our goal is to equip pre-service and in-service foreign language teachers with the affective stance and practical skills needs to engage with relevant research. Expanding notions of what constitutes research to highlight such practices as action research, inquiry-based learning, and designed-based research, we hope to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Given that research shows a lack of engagement with research findings and behaviors among classroom professionals, we plan to work with teachers to cultivate the kinds of research-related activities are realistic and relevant to their needs. You can read more about our planned outputs here.
Watch this space for further information, or contact us at to get regular updates.