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Developing Research Literacy

This page contains resources that language teachers can use in order to develop research literacy. We keep adding to this list of resources, so feel make sure you visit regularly! 

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OASIS is a searchable database of Open Accessible Summaries in Language Studies. This continually expanding curated resource makes research on language learning, use, and education available and accessible to a wide audience.

Students with iPad
The project

The project website contains useful information about implementing Inquiry-Based Learning in Higher Education.

Writing on Tablet
AI tools for writing

This project will develop OER materials, including short educational videos, that demonstrate current best practices for using AI tools in writing pedagogy.

Classroom observation guidelines

In this webpage you can find some resources, ideas and guidelines for conducting classroom observations. 

For Learning in Teacher Education (FLiTE)

FLiTE is a platform where those involved in initial teacher education can find resources and inspiration to develop their practice.

Writing on Tablet
AI tools for writing

This project will develop OER materials, including short educational videos, that demonstrate current best practices for using AI tools in writing pedagogy.

professional developmnet training sessions for teachers
Transcending Boundaries:
Fostering an Open Research-Teaching Dialogue
in ELT

Presentations and material from the symposium held by the Manchester Centre for Research in Linguistics which focused on bridging the research-practice gap in English Language Teaching (13 October 2023). 

View over the roofs of Graz,  Austria
Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning

This ECML and EU-funded initiative aims to to support the linguistic integration of children with a migrant background and to achieve good quality and comparability in language testing and assessment, as well as to promote the effective use of ICT tools and open resources in support of quality language teaching and learning.

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EU funding information

ERASMUS+ is funded by the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) can be held responsible for the content of this website or any of the publications or links therein.

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